While on our platform, you’ll see our Co-Ops listed as one of the following: live, early access, and funded.
What is a live Co-Op?
A live Co-Op is open for buyers to contribute funds to. Co-Ops go live at 5 pm EST/ 2 pm PST. Notification of launches are sent out via email. You can set your email preferences within your Kickfurther account settings.
What is an Early Access Co-Op?
When a Co-Op is first launched on Kickfurther, it launches as an Early Access in “preview mode” for at least 24 hours. Upcoming Co-Ops can be funded up to 50% of the total amount and require using a Kickfurther Key in order to participate.
What does it mean when a Co-Op is listed as “early access” but is partially funded?
When a Co-Op is in the Early Access phase, funding access is restricted to buyers with a Kickfurther Key. Buyers spend one of their Keys to unlock access to make a claim before the Co-Op opens to the public once it goes live. Co-ops can reach up to half of their funding goal in the preview/early access phase.
What are recently funded Co-Ops?
Recently funded Co-Ops have completed their funding. In this phase, backers are charged for the funds they contributed to the Co-Op.
Any questions? Email contact@kickfurther.com.